Tuesday, January 8, 2013


2012 brought about some healthy changes and a little weight loss as well.  In 2013 I will build on the foundation that I laid to bring me closer to my 40 and Fabulous.

2013 Goals

  • Focus on the Food
I have resisted changing my diet FOREVER.  I really wanted to believe that I could continue my old eating habits and have the body that I desired. Well I have FINALLY come to accept that the age old wisdom of you can't out train a bad diet is spot on. I also want to journal about how food makes me feel.  I know that certain things that go into my body make me feel sluggish and sometimes nauseous...I want to work on identiying those.  There is no point to working my ass off in the gym and on the trail to come home and fuel it with crap.  I don't really want to count calories so I will just focus on less carbs more fruit and veggies.

  • Weights, Weights, and more Weights
I abandoned heavy lifting towards the end of last year to try to increase my endurance...I miss it.  I miss the thrill of being able to increase weight or do more reps or just feeling strong in general.  The endurance is important too...and I am going to need it to compete in more obstacle races.  So I am in the process of devising a plan that will include both.  I think sprints, steady pace runs, hill work and weightlifting will work for me.  I just need to decide on 2 days cardio, 3 days weights or 3 days cardio, 2 days weights.  I may make weights the priority until it is time to truly train for the races.

That's it as far as fitness.  I do have an idea of what I'd like to weigh...around 150 lbs. I don't want to put a time limit on it.  Time limits stress me out and lead me to either drastic measures or completely quitting.  I learned a lot about myself last year and building on that this year is going to be interesting.  I'm so excited!

Thoughts on 2012

For most people a new year inevitably brings one to reflect on the year that has just ended.  I am no exception.

2012 was a pretty good year for me.  It was a little slower than normal with work which allowed me more time to focus on the health and fitness side of things.  Although I haven't posted here in a while I have continued my journey to a better me.  So with that I would like to reflect on what worked in 2012, what habits I was able to establish and what things I want to focus on in 2013.

2012 Accomplishments

  • Lost 13 lbs.
While this number isn't earth shattering it is a good for me because I was able to maintain that loss through the winter/holidays.  My normal pattern is lose xx lbs. in the beginning of the year, maintain through summer, put weight back on in the winter. Starting 2013 weighing 13 lbs. less than 2012 is a victory and I'm celebrating it. I finally get to start a year without the baggage of "if I had just kept off the 10-15 lb I lost last year I would be..."
  • Completed Diva Dash, Renegade Playground Challenge and DJ Henry 5K.
I HATED running.  I was a runner when I was younger (and I was pretty fast too) but through the year (and weight gain) it became a chore and increasingly difficult.  And running on a treadmill is torture!!  I had tried in the past to start running...I have started Couch to 5K and never finished.  I have tried run walk intervals at the park to build up to running, it never stuck.  Signing up for the Diva Dash was enough of a push to add running to my routine.  Sucking at the Diva Dash was enough to get me more serious about getting better.  Completing the DJ Henry 5K and bettering my 5K time let me know it is possible.

  • Became an exerciser
I am now one of those weird people who looks forward to exercising.  I exercised on vacation in Jamaica...that is a BIG deal.  I look forward to exercising and I miss it when I don't do it.  Yay, I'm and exerciser.  Training is probably a better word for it because I am much more disciplined and focused when there is an end goal/date.

I also added a few healthy habits...more water, taking fish oil, taking probiotic, drinking Vitamin C Juice.  These are things that I may fall off for a few days but I always pick them right back up.

I'll outline 2013 goals in my next post...